Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14

Welcome to Kid Zone, the children's ministry of Covenant Fellowship Church! We're excited to meet you here. We are currently completing construction of our new website. Please check back often for updates. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Rhonda. She is our acting Kid Zone Director, and can be reached at (214) 316-6784 or by email at

Sunday Mornings
Sunday mornings begin with Sunday School for our elementary-age kids Kindergarten thru the 5th grade. Parents are encouraged to check in their children prior to 9:00am so that everyone can get started on time.
After Sunday School, all of our children escorted into the sanctuary where they can gather for praise and worship. After singing has finished, all kids ages 5 through 5th grade gather with our teachers for Kid Zone worship.