Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Covenant Fellowship of Greenville lovingly supports several mission organizations both locally and abroad. To learn more about each mission and how you can help or get involved, continue reading below!

Active Missionaries
Amy for Africa
Committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and following His instruction to "Go Tell!" to the uttermost parts of the world, Amy for Africa serves in Uganda by providing a Christian education to over 320 students, teaching trades to vulnerable single women through Threads of Hope, & by providing food for over 350 children every Saturday in the streets of Uganda
Amber Bader
As a director of missions with Baptist Student Ministries, Amber works with college students in North Texas. They regularly embark on various mission trips, service projects, and specialized training focused on training Christian leaders of tomorrow as well as reaching other young adults and sharing the Gospel with them.